16.09.24 19:58:10|Besucher online: 2349|Konzerte:67|gerade gesucht: Brauweiler Kulturhof


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Homepage: gstrings.de

Die G-Strings bringen mit ihrer großen Bandbreite von "Just a Cappuccino" über ein "Hauskonzert mit Bierchen" den Saal zum Schäumen und schaffen mit Astor Piazzolla Hörraume für den emotionalen Ausnahmezustand und lösen Begeisterungsstürme aus -

Flagge englisch Flagge englisch G-Strings

Stefan Pintev & Rodrigo Reichel, Violin and Bariton-Violin

Jan Larsen, Viola

Vytas Sondeckis, Violoncello

Frank Skriptschinski, double bass

The G-Strings have cast aside the boundaries set by classical music. Since its foundation in 1993 the quintet has systematically played against the grain of established ways of listening. The group's innovative crossings between E and U-music have been

enthusiastically celebrated in concert halls and in the press, by classical and jazz audiences.

"Unbelievable, that acute classical symphony orchestra members]develop aggressivity fired with enthusiasm, wilder with such an ease on E-Violins and Violas in all styles. Tango Nuevo, Jazz, Pop, Rock; their arrangements never lose a sense of humor. The Band discovers Miles Davis and Mother's Finest in a mixture from tender melodiousness and Tango-Poesie, hard string attacks and effects, without taking their original's soul. The audience cheers, and the devil-strings beam. Pure musical joy" is one echo to a G-Strings'concert.

Those "original tone color mixers" (FAZ) conquer the field between Jazz and new music. Their sound effects are amazing: In extraordinary arrangements those stringplayers open up unheared possibilities with their instruments. The violin develops in the "violinplaying Jimi Hendrix'" hand into an e-guitar. Choping, pitching, scratching their instruments, the G-Strings imitate a drumset. They match expression and sound of an electric guitar and even cerate a deceivingly realistic samba pipe" described the Frankfurter Rundschau the G-String's play with illusion.

According to the music journal "Fono Forum" the G-Strings'"congenial misappropriation" is fascinating.

The G-Strings do not play a classical quintet's cast. Equal play the musicians together and create a sparkling firework with the respect of chamber musicians, the energy of a big band and the freedom of Jazz they create completly new music.